• 10 Powerful Ways to Remove the Negativity From Your Life

    10 Powerful Ways to Remove the Negativity From Your Life


    We’ve all experienced negativity in our lives at one point or another. We talk to that one friend or family member that always manages to make us feel down, even though we were in a great mood beforehand. We’ve had that feeling of dread when we have to go somewhere negative people are (maybe work or to a relative’s house).
    The good news is that you don’t have to allow negativity to rule your life! You can take the reins and find ways to help eliminate negativity in your life. Check out our 10 favorite, powerful ways that you can begin abolishing negativity from your life TODAY!

    Minimize All Toxic Relationships – If you have someone in your life who makes you feel bad about yourself, what you like, what you do, and what you aspire to do (and we all have at least one person who does this), that person has a toxic relationship with you. The best strategy is to remove this person altogether from your life, but if you find that you can’t, then simply minimize your time around that person and spend time nurturing healthier and happier relationships instead.

    Think Positive Thoughts – After removing the negative people in your life, you should focus on removing the negativity that lurks in your mind. Remember that you are the master of your own destiny. Follow the Law of Attraction and eliminate those pesky, negative thoughts right away. Whenever you allow yourself to think negative things, more negative things will happen to you. Instead, allow positive thoughts to flood your mind, and you’ll find that more and more positive things will enter into your life. It’s that simple!

    Surround Yourself With Positive People – It’s not enough to simply think positive thoughts. You must find others who have positive outlooks on life and are energetic and support what you do. These people should make you feel more empowered and give you confidence in all your endeavors. You’ll find that life becomes much brighter when you have positive people surrounding you.

    Channel Positivity In Your Body and Force Negativity Out – Physical activity is something that we as a people in general take for granted or see as a punishment. Meditation – be it yoga, deep breathing, alone time, or time spent in prayer – can help us relax and clear our minds, bringing in new energy and positive vibes. On the other hand, working out can help us burn off the anxiety, anger, and negativity that continue to plague us. The next time you feel negativity trying to pull you down, go for a run, walk, or bike ride, play tennis, swim – do SOME physical activity to help diminish the negativity.

    Do What You Love, Love what You Do (and Where You Do It) – Sometimes we may not have much of a choice in this area, especially in today’s economy; however, working in a poisonous environment full of negative people can really wear us down quickly. Furthermore, it’s imperative to do the things that you thoroughly enjoy in life. Doing activities that you love will help you feel more positive and zealous about life. If you find that you’re not enjoying your work or if your workplace has become too toxic, we encourage you to seek a new job, whether it’s within a different department in your company or with a different company altogether.

    Don’t Worry About What People Might Say – Have you ever found yourself wanting to accomplish a certain goal but hold off doing it because you fear others could think poorly about you? Maybe you want to publish a novel or you want to visit a different country, but you find yourself paralyzed because you think, “What would my mother/sister/best friend, etc. think?” Just remember, it’s YOUR life, not theirs! You must keep in mind that it’s impossible to please everyone and that YOUR happiness is what truly matters. So if you want to publish that novel, go for it! Don’t let the naysayers slow you down.

    Stop That Complaining – Everyone complains every now and then about work, about friends and loved ones, or about life in general. It’s human to do so. But keep in mind that complaining puts us in a place to continue making excuses and being negative. Stop immediately the next time you begin complaining. Think of how to fix your problems, and remember to always be grateful for what you have in your life. You’re more fortunate than many others.

    Take “What If?” Out of Your Vocabulary – Anxieties are part of our lives, but that doesn’t mean you should let them rule yours! Fears can impair our ability to move forward or accomplish the goals we set for ourselves. One of the easiest ways anxiety and negativity can latch onto us is when we ask ourselves, “What if?” You may ask yourself, “What if I get sick during the meeting? What if our plane to Japan goes down? What if I mess up in front of everyone and look like a fool?” Here’s a new strategy for you – every time you start thinking “what if?”, think “So what?” instead. Don’t let negativity and anxieties hold you back from your goals and passions!

    Love Where You Live – Have you ever longed to live somewhere else, somewhere inspirational that fills you up with positive energy? Do you currently live in a negative community that you dread to go home to every night after work? Not everyone may be able to do this, but if you can, try to move to that place that will help you stay positive. Do remember, though, that every place has its pros and cons.

    Give Back – What’s better than giving back? Nothing, that’s what! Give back to your community. Do some charity work, or volunteer at your church or in the local animal shelter. You’ll find that giving of yourself helps you become a happier, more positive person!

    Remember, positivity begets more positivity, so be sure to do all that you can to banish negativity from your life! For more tips or to answer any questions you may have, don’t hesitate to contact us here


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